Type-safe dynamic beans factory with Scala 2.10 macros + Dynamic
With Scala 2.10.0 just out, we’ve now got a couple of shiny new toys:
- Macros provide a clean (but experimental) way to plug into the Scala compiler, making AST rewrites very easy and mostly type-safe.
- Dynamic is a type that lets you hijack method calls to predefined “fallback” methods (applyDynamic and al.).
The very interesting thing here is that despite its name, Dynamic only involves compile-time routing of unknown methods… and it is possible to implement applyDynamic using a macro!
This means using Dynamic you can create DSLs with code that is loosely typed (in Scala type system terms) and with macros we can still add your own custom compilation-time type-checks, and even rewrite the code so that it no longer refers to Dynamic at the first place!
Some practice: a type-safe dynamic beans factory
Java Beans are a bit tedious to create from Scala:
val bean = new MyBean
Well, with a Dynamic subclass that implements applyDynamicNamed using a macro, we can reach the following syntax:
foo = 10,
bar = 12
UPDATE: the latest code in github (see link below) implements
the following, more flexible and friendly syntax:
new MyBean().set(
foo = 10,
bar = 12
And of course, this is all type-checked and rewritten to the exact same setter-intensive code as above, with the exact same runtime performance (nifty, isn’t it?).
Enjoy! (see newest sources and tests in Scalaxy’s repository)
package scalaxy
import scala.language.dynamics
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
Syntactic sugar to instantiate Java beans with a very Scala-friendly syntax.
(full sources and tests: https://github.com/ochafik/Scalaxy/tree/master/Beans)
The following expression:
import scalaxy.beans
foo = 10,
bar = 12
Gets replaced (and type-checked) at compile time by:
val bean = new MyBean
Doesn't bring any runtime dependency (macro is self-erasing).
Don't expect code completion from your IDE as of yet.
object beans extends Dynamic
def applyDynamicNamedImpl[R : c.WeakTypeTag]
(c: Context)
(name: c.Expr[String])
(args: c.Expr[(String, Any)]*) : c.Expr[R] =
import c.universe._
// Check that the method name is "create".
name.tree match {
case Literal(Constant(n)) =>
if (n != "create")
c.error(name.tree.pos, s"Expected 'create', got '$n'")
case _ =>
c.error(name.tree.pos, "Unexpected name structure error")
// Get the bean type.
val beanTpe = weakTypeTag[R].tpe
// Choose a non-existing name for our bean's val.
val beanName =
// Create a declaration for our bean's val.
val beanDef =
ValDef(Modifiers(), beanName, TypeTree(beanTpe), New(TypeTree(beanTpe), Nil))
// Try to find a setter in the bean type that can take values of the type we've got.
def getSetter(name: String, valueTpe: Type, valuePos: Position) = {
beanTpe.member(newTermName(name)).filter {
case s =>
s.isMethod && (
s.asMethod.paramss.flatten match {
case Seq(param) =>
// Check that the parameter can be assigned a convertible type.
// (typeOf[Int] weak_<:< typeOf[Double]) == true.
if (!(valueTpe weak_<:< param.typeSignature))
c.error(valuePos, s"Value of type $valueTpe cannot be set with $beanTpe.$name(${param.typeSignature})")
case _ =>
// Generate one setter call per argument.
val setterCalls = args.map(_.tree).map
// Match Tuple2.apply[String, Any](fieldName, value).
case Apply(_, List(n @ Literal(Constant(fieldName: String)), v @ value)) =>
// Check that all parameters are named.
if (fieldName == null || fieldName == "")
c.error(v.pos, "Please use named parameters.")
// Get beans-style setter or Scala-style var setter.
val setterSymbol =
getSetter("set" + fieldName.capitalize, value.tpe, v.pos)
.orElse(getSetter(NameTransformer.encode(fieldName + "_="), value.tpe, v.pos))
if (setterSymbol == NoSymbol)
c.error(n.pos, s"Couldn't find a setter for field '$fieldName' in type $beanTpe")
Apply(Select(Ident(beanName), setterSymbol), List(value))
// Build a block with the bean declaration, the setter calls and return the bean.
c.Expr[R](Block(Seq(beanDef) ++ setterCalls :+ Ident(beanName): _*))
def applyDynamicNamed[R](name: String)(args: (String, Any)*): R =
macro applyDynamicNamedImpl[R]